Cordovan and horsehide are horse leather.
Cordovan in particular is known as the king of leathers and is a rare leather.
Horsehide is also used to make high-quality leather jackets, rider jackets, flight jackets, etc.

Source: Pixabay

This horse leather has a rather masculine image.
Well, today,

Why is Cordovan the king of leather?
Why is horsehide used for leather jackets, rider jackets, and flight jackets?

I'll introduce something to you!

By the way, as I mentioned the other day, the animal most commonly used for leather is cowhide.

Horse Leather

The amount of horse leather produced is decreasing and there is a global shortage, making it an extremely valuable leather.
However, around the 1930s, when horses were used for transportation, there were many horses, so horses were often used in products from that time.

Nowadays, we don't have the image of horses being eaten like cattle, and we only have the image of a few people riding them as a hobby.
That will reduce the numbers.


Horse leather has coarse fibers, which means it is actually a little less strong than cow leather.
However, it is highly flexible, fine-grained, stretches less than cowhide, and has the ability to maintain its shape, so it is often used for clothing such as leather jackets, rider jackets, and flight jackets rather than for bags.


As mentioned at the beginning, Cordovan is truly the "king of leathers."

Cordovan refers to the part of the horse's buttocks.
Regular horse leather has fibers that tend to stretch outward, but cordovan is unique in that its fibers tend to shrink inward towards the body.
Furthermore, the horse's buttocks are whipped hard, making them very strong.
It is also said to be three times thicker than cordovan cowhide.

Originally, it was only obtained from the small number of farm horses produced in Europe, and it was an extremely rare leather, accounting for only about 10% of the total.
Nowadays, it is no longer limited to farm horses, but since it is only from the buttocks, which is a small part of the horse's body, it is still a very rare and high-quality leather.

Another characteristic of cordovan is that it becomes more lustrous and comfortable with use.

I like cordovan shoes. But they are expensive and hard to buy... (;´д`)

[Summary] Horse leather is somehow manly.

This time we will be talking about horse leather.
I originally worked in a second-hand clothing store, so when I think of horse leather, I think of things like vintage rider jackets.
The reason why horse leather is often used on vintage leather jackets is because at the time horses, rather than cars, were the primary means of transportation.

And as expected, horse leather is generally seen more in men's products, such as cordovan, rider jackets, and flight jackets.
It's true that the leather itself has a masculine, or rough, feel to it, and perhaps it is a leather that gives off a sense of strength.