Payment method is specific

  • credit card
  • Amazon Pay
  • Smartphone payment (QR code)
  • NP Pay Later (convenience store/post office/bank/LINE Pay, etc.)
  • 3 free installments from credit card/bank account (Smartpay)

We offer the following payment methods.

Cash on delivery and bank transfers are currently not available.

credit card

Credit cards are

  • VSA Card
  • master Card
  • AMEX
  • JCB

We are responding with.

Only one-time payment is accepted.

Amazon Pay

You can pay with your Amazon account.
You can also register your address, which is very convenient.

Learn more about Amazon Pay

Smartphone payment (QR code)

QR code payment.

  • PayPay
  • Line Pay
  • Merpay

It is compatible with.

NP Pay Later (convenience store/post office/bank/LINE Pay, etc.)

If the amount is less than 55,000 yen, you can use NP Pay Later, which allows you to pay after the product arrives.

The invoice will come from Net Protections, Inc. , not from our company.

Learn more about NP Postpay

Smartpay (3 free installments from credit card/bank account)

This is called Smartpay , a service that allows you to make three installments with no fees.
By installing apps, you can respond more smoothly.

Learn more about Smartpay

That's all.
Thank you for asking.